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文章出處:上海松夏減震器有限公司 添加時間:2019-03-05 17:13


   What are the requirements for negative pressure resistant rubber soft joints?



  Resistance to negative pressure high requirement of soft rubber joints, pure rubber is not negative pressure resistance, said fang fang, pipe diameter is 0.1 kg of negative pressure, the rubber hose body will absorb flat, it is absolutely different with that of the outward, so the negative pressure inside diameter must be increased negative pressure diversion cone, in short, the negative pressure diversion tube is in the inner diameter of the rubber joint increase a carbon steel pipe, but the inner diameter of the joint is smaller than the inner diameter of the original, with negative pressure diversion tube, rubber joint will not be flat, so that the rubber joint vibration isolation, expansion effect will not affect the original and the affected is the inner diameter of the joint is slightly smaller.




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